Humble Us Through the Violence of Your Love
"Gracious God, humble us through the violence of your love so we are able to know and confess our sins. We want our sins to be interesting, but, God forgive us, they are so ordinary: envy, hatred, meanness, pride, self-centeredness, laziness, boredom, lying, lust, stinginess and so on. You have saved us from "and so on" to be a royal people able to witness to the world that the powers that make us such ordinary sinners have been defeated. so capture our attention with the beauty of your life that the ugliness of sin may be seen as just that--ugly. God, how wonderful it is to be captivated by you. Amen"
--Stanley Hauerwas
--Stanley Hauerwas
2 Comments: that we are able to know and confess our sins.
this was great.
thank you, whoever found and posted it.
this is especially pertinent in light of current events.
perhaps an upcoming discussion topic could be confession in a protestant context-- i think it is a practice with which we are not really familiarized (though our expression will surely vary from that of our catholic brothers and sisters-- a sounding-out of what confession can be how it could be better exercised in our lives would be helpful).
daniel, that's rad. i didn't know such a book existed... i just checked his book In Good Company which looks promising. Which of his books have you read? Perhaps we can discuss in person. The Bruggeman book sounds interesting; I'd never heard of that either.
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