Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Post on the night of the 13th of September, Year of Our Lord 2006.

I finished the slauterhouse 5 quote below; under the post "what? what? what? what?".

Also, I have something to write that I got from thinking about myself and I feel good about it. It's that in the lives of the very Blessed (bless-id), there comes a point where Providential Gifts are withheld, so they are not imediately exchanged for drugs or other bad things. There came a point in my life where money, education, and fruitful environment have been withheld, so that I may not trade them for drugs and other things leading to death. During this time of withholding, I can either earn those gifts--which will mean preparing for their indended use-- or I can take those gifts and exchange them for drugs and bad things. I thank my friends and family for their help with this. Of those in this group Seth has dedicated a lot.

Also, Daniel, I feel that we should share--in theory--our experience from the community group. Did you find it inspirational? Bye Bye.

TylXer T. GaXul


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting up the second part, Tyler. It may not be the neatest piece of theology but I doubt Vonnegut would ever claim his works should be read as such. Still, it has a powerful subversive effect on how we view Jesus and what the heck God was doing through him. It has a lot more impact now.

I'm not sure what you are exactly saying with the blessing and withholding part but of what I read, I sense that this is something coming from a place that is seeing the light of day and blossoming. In other words, I see God but I can't explain how I see or what I am actually seeing. I believe this is a very good thing.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah tyler, this makes sense. Very cool, i'd like to talk about it in person.

6:29 PM  

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