Friday, November 17, 2006

Round-Up (Updated)

UPDATE***I also wanted to add this link at opensouretheology concerning the whole Bible Super Store deal and at least adding another facet to the conversation - I was absolutely speachless after the commercial that you can watch at the beginning of the article.***

A couple of interesting things I found on the 'Net this week:

Kruse Kronicle was mentioned by me before but they guy writes so much on such a diverse set of topics that I must link again to him. He tackles the role of women in church but if you search around his blog you will find all sorts of stuff - from economics, climate initiative and neanderthal DNA to T-Bone Burnett, emerging church and pink jail cells. Kruse writes a lot and writes well.

Another place I frequent, Internet Monk, has done a piece called Do Chinese Students Need an American Jesus? I thought I would mention it as a thread (or sutra) of my thought lately has been translating Christianity into other cultures as per the New Buddhism article, the African Creed and a couple conversations with friends.

Lastly, the topic of Universalism is floating around still. Generous Orthodoxy Think Tank is a good collection of bloggers and has just mentioned an NPR broadcast on church leaders catching heat for questioning Hell. An author trying to avoid this same fate has written a book under the pseudonym of Gregory Macdonald (two people who inspired his search) called The Evangelical Universalist. Leaving Munster, a very interesting Anabaptist blog, has done a two-part interview with "Gregory." And then to top off the massive link to Jason Clark's blog where he provides links to D.W. Congdon's collection of links - it reminds me of this - the way links work, not anyone's communist leanings.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. that commercial was so ridiculous..."Do you want to make Jesus cry?" for not buying a tahoe? craziness.

1:32 PM  

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