Monday, September 25, 2006

Dear Lander,

On one of my favorite sites ever, I found this review of thy movie.

I think we should watch it soon.

love, Ryan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to watch that also Ryan and lander. WHEN!!? Speaking of movies, there is a dvd in our xbox360 and the audio file that repeats and repeats on the menu screen is only 2minutes and 28seconds long. I think it's been on for about an hour now. Its killing me, but i'm nervous to turn it off for some reason. Also, FYI Dead Rising takes a huge turn for the better. It was so profound that i was up for a few hours after you left. Okay maybe 3. Its incredible.

9:19 PM  
Blogger coemergentco said...

yes, certainly. i know bon really enjoys it, and that review is awesome.

9:30 PM  

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